are a laughing matter. Jack was so very excited to decorate the tree last night. After 11 years of marriage, I thought we deserved some new glass balls for the tree. We had, up until this year, decorated the tree every year with the same glass balls I bought our first year of marriage. to Target we went. We came home happy and ready to make the tree pretty. Kyle and Jack started with the lights, and that is when it happened. The first strand was good, then the second strand had some lights out (but we could make due), but the third strand was almost completely out. Changing light bulbs did not help. It is in my opinion that the tree we had a couple of years ago left so much sap that it did something to ruin the lights. We could not make the tree pretty. Jack was very disappointed and was not listening to our perfectly good promise of decorating it tonight. Molly was sick and did not care if we decorated it! I am hear to blog tonight to say that Kyle was the hero and bought new lights. He arrived home from work and we immediately went to work. Kyle hung the lights, and the kids and I hung the ornaments. The tree is beautiful. I will try and get a picture posted soon.