There are MANY pictures that follow. We love our plants here at the Parker "ranch."

I love maple trees. We had a friend thin and trim this one last year, and look at how it is already full and the one branch is touching the ground. My how things grow in Oregon!

This is a fothergilla. We have two this year, and we love them. I really like the white airy flowers they get in the spring, and then in the fall the leaves will turn a really brilliant yellow.

This is our planter out front. Last year, my mom and I transplanted some calla lily and asiatic lily bulbs that were so scrawny from the backyard - it was the middle of summer and so not the time to transplant bulbs! They have come back and are doing great. The calla lilies are the ones closest in the picture. The asiatic lilies are the ones on the other side of the planter. They have not bloomed yet, but I can see the flowers ready to come through. I will post pictures when they are in full bloom. We filled in the rest of the planter with some daisies and geraniums. Also, the heads of the dahlias are just beginning to come through the dirt.

Our red azalea before the blooms fully opened. They are unbelievable now!

Our purple azaleas. We have two of these right outside of our front door. They are amazing and the pictures do not do justice to them. They are electric in color, and again make me smile every morning I get to gaze on them.

Our red/pink azalea. This is a really old azalea that we thought we would do some pruning on this year. We will see how it likes it this summer.

We call this our Molly rhodie in honor of Molly. She loves the color of the blooms because they are pink. We were driving today and she said that she saw flowers the same color we have in our yard. I asked what color that was and she said you know the Molly flowers!

Our pink dogwood bloomed! We also have a white dogwood, but I could not get a good picture of it. Last year they did not bloom, and I was most disappointed. So this year, I am really happy to see the blooms. We watered and fed them - my what a difference such care makes!
Our white rhodies.
We have more color to come, so you will have to check back to see more pictures. I am sure that you are bored of the pictures, but we here at the Parker "ranch" love color! It is just one more reminder of the beauty God has created for us to enjoy and bring me smiles!