Jack checking out his new classroom. The class was split into two different days to start so that it was not so overwhelming to the kids, so there were only about 10 kids today. The classroom was great. Colorful and exciting, yet not too much that one can't think and concentrate.

We were waiting outside the doors to go inside and sitting on a bench. I snapped this, and thought it was a great picture of Jack. He was not nervous at all!

Jack is so proud about his new backpack, which is of Optimus Prime (a transformer). He told me after this picture that it was hard to twist that way - it hurt his neck!

A typical Jack pose. I can remember last year's picture in my mind. He was in a collared shirt that was also striped with shorts and tennis shoes. Some things won't change in the Parker household! He is taller this year, and looks so much more mature. I can't believe this day has come. We are both ready for it, and look forward to the year ahead of us. I think I am just as excited about what he is going to learn this year. I picked him up today and he said that it was great, fun, and he enjoyed it. He told me about drawing a picture of himself, singing a song, showed me how to sign the letter A, about a dino picture in the boys' bathroom and a picture of a map in the girls' bathroom, running up and down a hill during recess, and the fact that there was not a snack. I said that that was good because there was not enough time for a snack and still learn all they needed to learn in 2 1/2 hours! Here's to the new school!