We planned a camping trip to the Redwoods this summer, and we just got back from it. We were so very excited to go see some huge trees and do a little camping. We had great weather, and saw some fun things. The pictures that follow show you a little of what we did.
Jack had a great tree that had fallen and was perfect for perching on - it was the scene for bear hunts, hiking, sword fights, and whatever else came to thought!

The kids did a lot of self-entertainment on this stump, which the parents were much appreciative of.
We made a pit stop at the giant Paul Bunyon "statue." The kids were amazed. There is a guy that talks to you while you are standing there looking up at him. He waves, winks, and shakes his head. He was a little too flirty with the women folk for our liking, but we did get a laugh out of it.

Standing inside a tree - and remember how tall Kyle really is!

Jack was all about climbing on this trip. He found this stump that he made it to the top all by himself. I thought it was a good picture to show how big the tree roots are.

We were heading home after a picnic lunch and afternoon swim in a really cold river, when the car decided it would blow the thermostat and heat up. The kids and I sat on the side of the highway while Kyle hiked a little over a mile to try and find cell phone coverage. He came upon a lodge that let him borrow the phone to call a tow truck. What was suppose to only be an hour wait, was indeed a three and a half hour wait for a pick up. We travelled back to Crescent City to get a hotel room and wait until to the morning to find out our fate. The kids were super excited to get to spend the night in a hotel, and swim in the pool the next morning - they were on a grand adventure while Kyle and I just wanted to get home! They were able to fix the problem and we were on our way home by noon the next day. We arrived home just a mere 24 hours late!