For most of you that read my blog, school already started many weeks ago but we started TODAY! The kids were ready and excited. It rained all day yesterday, so we talked about how we should pray that God might allow it not to rain today so that we could take pictures outside and they could have recess outside and not just "blacktop" at recess. Well, He answered our prayers by taking the rain away and adding a little sunshine in to boot. We were thankful. Enjoy the pictures that follow...
Jack took this one. It was a little over exposed, so I turned it into black and white

Molly took this one

I told them to stand together, and this is what Molly did - our little ham sometimes

Jack, 6 1/2 years old - going into first grade

Molly, 4 1/2 years old - going into Kindergarten

As I dropped them off this morning, I was filled with many emotions. I was fine leaving Molly to cut out her hand drawing to make a palm leaf. She was content and ready to learn. Jack was ready to start as well. He will have some new friends to make, as most of the boys that he hung around with last year are in the other first grade class. Here is to hoping that this year will be wonderful for our two kids!