Jack picked up a great "bow" stick this past week at church. He brought it home and then used one of Molly's old shoelaces to make the rest of the "bow." He then proceeded to go outside and pretend to be a hunter with his "bow and arrow." I just happened to have the camera out and ready to get some pictures of the pretend play. I loved that he got down in the grass and hollered over to me to take his picture ... a true action shot!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Jack, the baseball player ...
Jack baseball season is in full swing now! He is loving it, and Kyle is now the official manager of the team. It is a lot of work. They have had 3 games ... their record is 2 out of 3! Enjoy the pictures below ... (a side note -- taking pictures of baseball is so much easier to take than basketball!)
Flowers once again ...
Spring is here in full bloom. I missed out taking a couple of pictures from our plants that have bloomed and the blooms have faded. However, I did go out yesterday and capture these pictures. The red azalea is my favorite thus far this year. We have three of the shrubs out front close to the sidewalk, and they make me happy this year. Enjoy ...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
This is what they really wanted to do ...
So while the eggs were in the dye ... Jack found some straps in the garage and for the first time thought of making a tree swing on the maple that is by our driveway. I thought it was awesome, and they had such fun trying to make it the best thing possible. Here are the pictures that I captured ...

Our friend, Jacey, enjoying the swing
We finally dyed some eggs ...

I am taking baby steps into the egg dying process. We have never dyed eggs with the kids. I bought the dye last year to do it, but never got around to it. So I kept the dye. This year, we dyed the eggs. We didn't get a chance to embellish them. So my goal next year ... dye and embellish. Each year there will be progress made!
The kids didn't really get into the process. I think that it was a little too slow for them to really get into it. My friend, Julia, and I were the ones that kept at the eggs ... rolling them around so that they were evenly dyed. I must say that Julia has the patience something fierce because her eggs were perfectly dyed and really intense with color.
Trying to capture a picture with the cousins...
Do you see a theme yet with our trip to Colorado?
So at Holly and Lawny's house, I tried to capture a picture with all the kids. They didn't really want to sit still long enough for a picture, and I was struggling with the camera. The result ... not one really good picture of them all. The real result ... a few pictures to show their silliness and a document that yes they were together. Oh well ... to the next time!
Boy cousins and legos ....
What could be better than boy cousin time and a whole bunch of legos? Nothing. Jack and Eli had not seen each other in some time, but it was so special to see how time and space does not effect an eight year olds relationship. It was as if they had never been apart. It was fun to watch them interact with one another, yet, sad because it does not happen enough. **Big sigh** We can keep dreaming that one day we will all live a little closer by one another.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Great Auntie G ...
Trying to capture a picture with Granma...
Trying to capture a picture ...
So I take pictures. I love to take pictures. I take a lot of pictures. Some might even say that I take too many pictures. However, I defend that with ... they are digital and can be erased easily and quickly! I tried to capture a picture of the kids with Grammy and Pop while in Colorado. It was not an easy task, but what came out makes me smile even though there is not one that is perfect of all of them at the same time. Oh well ...
Pops not looking at the camera
Here is to next time!
Fly-tying with Pops ...

While we were in Colorado for Spring Break, Pops decided that it was time to teach the kids to tie some flies for fishing. I did not have much hope that they would like it, because it is detailed and so little. But ... I was so wrong. They loved it and they begged him to do it many times. Molly was the one that surprised me the most. She LOVED it and wanted to keep doing it. Pops said that she was good at listening to instruction and being patient to do the work. It was such a treat to listen to them as they did it, and to have that special memory of "working" with Pops. Thank you, Dad, for teaching them some of what you have learned!
Jack, the baseball player ...
I do believe that Jack has been the most excited for baseball season to start than he has for any other sports season to begin. He is on his FIRST baseball team, and LOVING it. I think that it is in part to the fact that along with the fee to sign your kid up one also gets a FULL baseball uniform, which if you know Jack ... he loves himself some sports gear! Last night was the first game, and it was actually quite entertaining to watch. I have come to baseball season with some reluctance because I spent many an hour at the baseball field with my brother and his team. I realized last night that I don't really recall watching much of his games, but I am sure that I did. My real memory is buying a "suicide" drink at the concession stand. For those that don't know what that is ... it is a mixing of ALL of the soda drinks they have behind the counter in one glass. (As an adult that just sounds gross, but evidently for a kid it was quite tasty!) Anyway, Jack got a couple of hits, scored a couple of runs, and had a wonderful time last night. By the way, his team name is .... the Wildcats. He and Kyle were online the other day looking for wildcat emblems that they could print off, and found a wildcat that was exactly like the K-State power cat only in green ... so Grammy and Pops, you were on their minds! Enjoy the pictures that follow, and smile along with me as my son enters yet another sport that he eats, breathes, and dreams about all day long ...

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