These white azaleas are on the "other" side of the house out by the kids windows. It is a place that is easily missed by people and I don't remember really blogging about the plants before. This year is the best year for these two lonely white shrubs. They are wonderful this year, so I just had to include them in my yearly pictures!
This is yet another one of our many rhodies on the property. It is old. It is planted way too close to the house. It is a bit scraggly because it is really shaded by the huge old maple tree above it. Kyle wanted to rip it out when we first moved in .... but we have pruned it, loved it, watered it, fed it, and this year it too has wonderful huge pink blooms on it. I love this one because as the flowers open they come to make a cone shape right on the tip of the branch. It is amazing to watch spring come alive!

When we first moved into this house, they had bulbs everywhere out back and in the front. None of them really were that wonderful, so over the years I have moved most of them to new spots. I hated to throw them out, and so I thought a new spot might make them happier. Last year, we moved the irises. I don't really like irises as a whole, because the tubes sit on top of the ground and they don't like to be covered so it is a little bit of an eye sore when they are done blooming for the year. However, these we perfect to go next to the daffodils that I had moved to the side of the house. Now, I do need to let you know that whenever I have moved said such bulbs .... it is always at the wrong time of the year! I have no patience to wait until the right time so it is always a "crap" shoot as to whether they will bloom again or not!! Well, look at what came up this year. I LOVE the purple little irises. The white ones are my favorite of the two because it is big and it smells like to the most wonderful thing in the world. I only got one bloom, but many spikes so I am hopeful that next year will bring more blooms. If you are in the neighborhood, stop on by and smell the white iris .... but you better hurry it won't last much longer!