This morning as I was getting ready for the day my mind drifted, as it often does, to randomness. I was reflecting on my love of color. Maybe it is because it is most definitely still Fall here in Oregon, but then again my love of color goes beyond just that. I got to thinking when I began being consumed with color, and I think it began in high school. I became an artist in high school, and I did a lot with collage work - more specifically with color. It was usually abstract work focusing on color play. I also can remember how it affected other areas. I can remember - mainly because I got A LOT of ribbing for this - a day in high school when we were allowed to dress up (otherwise we were in uniforms) and I wore a purple skirt with white polka dots with a white shirt. Not bad in and of itself, but I chose to pair with outfit with these really great orange shoes. Now, I thought it was great! However, my girlfriends teased me for years about it. Now years removed from the academic world and the need to be consumed with it for a grade or something, it is still something that overtakes my thought. I love to look at colors in my childrens' book. I look for the wonderful colors of the leaves on trees and shrubs (that is for you dad - not bushes!). I am drawn to the bright colors that are so very fashionable and trendy today. My house is full of intense color, and I long to add more (which makes Kyle smile and say can we just enjoy the color a little longer before we change).
I long to dive back into the art world where I can play with color, and make a "pretty picture" for all to enjoy. I wonder sometimes why God made me with such an eye for color, and others not. But then I just think how grateful I am He did make me that way, because I find such joy in the little randomness of color.
By the way...if you are reading this and thinking to yourself that I have lost it and wondering what the heck am I talking about. Don't worry...I am aware that I live in another world. I know most people don't dwell on color as I do...You just have your own area of "artistic" flair that I don't know about or have!