**Warning...ramblings ahead!!**
So one might wonder why in the world I would post pictures of me when I was pregnant with my kids on the internet for all to see - why would I want to relive that time? Well, I have no real good answer for that except I have thought about that time the last few days. Maybe it is because I will never be that "way" again, maybe it is because the people that are now my friends never got to see me that "way" and therefore I want to show them my belly, or maybe it is because my kids are both about to be a year older and therefore I am that much more removed from the infant stages of life. I was talking with a friend today about how I was that mom that did not give real food to Jack until he was 6 months to the day, or give cow's milk to the day of being a year. I quit breastfeeding Molly the day after she turned one. I nursed her the night of her birthday, laid her to sleep, and the next day she was on sippy cups full of milk. Now, I look at new moms and thinking to myself how rigid I was about those things. It makes me smile. I am sure that I will look back at this time period and think the same things. Although the things I am rigid about concern the character and moral aspect of their lives, so maybe I won't have the same feelings. I guess only time will tell.But back to the belly pictures...some running comments on each picture.
This was about a month before Jack arrived. Notice the heavy make-up and the "fixed" hair. It is a picture that looks way to posed. I was not thrilled about having it taken, but at the same time I wanted to have proof of belly with Jack. Little did we know that he would come out 10 pounds! Also, you can see my belly button through the shirt - which was something visible from about 4 months. (Side note: I look at this picture and do not think I look like I have a 10 pound baby inside - am I crazy? Who knows maybe he grew alot that last month)
This picture was also taken about a month before Molly was born. My first reaction is look at that weight in my face. Again the make-up is done too much, and the hair - what was I thinking. This was the day of my shower, so I guess I was "done up" for the occasion. Again, we did not know that I was carrying a 10 pound baby - the doctor did not think she would be that big!
Thanks for letting me travel down memory lane, and thanks for indulging my thoughts of being a pregnant woman.
Gretchen, what beautiful memories! I had never seen you look more beautiful as you were (and still are) when you were carrying my grandchildren. I loved seeing the glow on your face and the love in yours and Kyle's eyes when you looked at each of them for the first time. Thank you both for bringing such lovely little "creatures" into this world for all of us to love. I am so lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you.
love, shirley
It was fun traveling down memory lane with you and seeing you before I knew you! I know what you mean about not knowing who your children are when you're pregnant. After John Spencer was born, I kept thinking, "It was you inside me all along!" I can also relate to the belly button popping out months ahead of time.
Whoops, I accidentally posted the last comment under John's identity. I didn't realize he was still logged in.
Well, should I share my memories? I do not know if I can remember them...about you and Jason, that is. I do remember SO HOPING you would be a girl since you were #2 and the last one according to Pops! How thrilled I was with seeing a girl! I was larger than you, and you only weighed 8-2!
Then, I have some distinct memories of Miss Molly as you were pregnant because I was here!
Loved reading this one!
What fun to see you pregnant. We were living so far apart during those times I really didn't get to see you either. Wow...that feels like forever ago, doesn't it? Love the ramblings, by the way, and the apple orchard pics are great.
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