Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Molly, the storyteller....

Molly has recently shown in interest in writing a little more as of late.  She sat down the other day and wrote the following ...

"I love high shoes and I love my blanket and I love my red blanket.  Dedicated to Daddy from Molly"

As she was drawing the picture of herself, I encouraged her to not draw with stick figures but to start to put some dimension to her figures.  I drew an example and said ... now you try it out.  The picture above was her second time doing it, and I think she understands what I was getting at.  She says that she likes to draw, and in the last month she has done a collage on her own with a glue stick and pieces of fabric that she cut and pasted all on her own.  She has also listed on her VIP poster for school that when she grows up she would like to be an artist!  Who knew ... certainly not me!!


granma said...

very good Molly! keep it up, you are already a good artist, love you

sojourner said...

Maybe the "Little" gift for using words will pass down to the Parker children. The artist in you did not show strong until elementary school....except you always enjoyed coloring!