Halloween was a fun filled day at the Parkers. I got up early for a run with my good friend, then we meet other ladies from the church for our monthly Women's walk and coffee...all the while Kyle and the kids were gearing up for a day of Duck football (it was a big game for the Ducks against the USC Trojans)! I came home long enough to shower, feed the kids a light lunch, and we were off to help a little friend celebrate his 3rd birthday - a costume party. After the party, we dined at a friend's house before the long anticipated time of trick or treating!! The kids were most excited. It had been cloudy all day, but right as were taking some pictures outside it began to rain. Luckily, it only last a few minutes. The kids charged ahead of the adults, and scored quite a lot of good candy this year. We end the night very tired and bags of candy. They enjoyed their costumes, and look forward to it again next year.
Fun! Jack is looking much older! He must be turning 6!
they look so cute, just like their mom and dad...
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