Jack had a fund raiser for his school this last month - it was a jog-a-thon. I didn't know what to expect from such an event. It was a lot of fun! The kids had 45 minutes to run around the high school track. Jack raised money based not on laps because I did not know just how many laps he would complete. To my utter surprise he ran...2 1/2 miles (or 10 times around the track). He struggled a little in the middle - he really didn't have an idea about how to pace himself - so I ran/walked the last five or so laps. I was proud of him. They had a great day to do it, and Jack got to ride on his first school bus to get to the track. Thank you to all those who helped support him and the school. We really appreciated it!
Look at that running stride! Go, Jackson! You are ready for a 3K this fall...is there one on Thanksgiving?
WOW Jack, how proud I am of you. You did good. You look like a professional runner! love you, granma
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