Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Good Effort...

Well tonight i was sitting down in the family room after the kids were in bed to finish up our Christmas cards, and I noticed a mistake in the letter. i had read it and reread it and reread it again, and i didn't catch my big mistake.

i left out my grandfather's passing this past year! Can you believe it?

i had typed the first draft of the letter and it had a combo sentence about losing both of my grandparents this year, then i edited the letter and forgot to mention his memorial service in the final product. my parents, i am sorry. i loved him just as much, and am truly embarrassed that i forgot. to myself, shame on me. next time, proof read it a fourth time.

Here is to next year!

1 comment:

sojourner said...

It could happen to anyone! Lots of "stuff" going on in your life!