Our friend's son let Jack borrow his storm trooper helmet and gun this past weekend. Jack could not have been more excited. It was fun to watch both of them play with the toys, and use their imaginations - although there was some fighting over who got to play with them and for how long! I had to snap these pictures for many reasons...
1. notice the Oregon hat that Jack so careful place ON TOP of the trooper helmet.
2. notice that Molly is holding the gun AND baby besty, so she is not only a fighter but continues to be a mommy to the baby.
i hope these make you smile!
Laughter and tears, really. All the posts from the last few days.
Thanks for sharing these pictures, Gretchen! They made Nathanael and I laugh out loud! We especially like Molly's hip-popping pose in the storm trooper get-up!!
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