Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My boy...

Somehow this year and last year, I was able to get a great picture of Jack while we waited for the bell to ring at school and the fun to begin. Here is this year's photo - and I LOVE it. I can look at this picture and really see the Jack that I know. Look at those blue eyes - and mind you I cut his hair last night so the crew cut looks fresh and neat.
I love my son!

This, however, is what he really thought of me taking the picture of him. I laughed and thought that you all would get a smile out of this one as well. Oh the joys of having kids!


Anonymous said...

And now what are you going to do with your free time? Any projects planned? Praying for a great year for your kids.

granma said...

I love the pictures,,,all of them! Those grandkids are pretty good photographers!! Can't believe that they both are in school. It just seems like yesterday that we were trying to get them to them more than all of the stars in the sky...granma

Little Girls said...

Yeah! School routine...can't wait to hear more as the year progresses. I hope it is wonderful. Love and miss you guys.