Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gone are the two front teeth...

I have been waiting for the this time - when Jack would be toothless. He lost his first top front tooth on the last day of first grade - what a memory! The other one was immediately loose, but it has taken some time to come out. I pestered him about it - to the point that he would ask me (politely) to leave him alone about it. Well the other day it was hanging by a thread and I knew that the other tooth had broken through and was ready for the space, so I told him I was going to pull it out! Sure enough - out it came and there was the other tooth. Now he looks a little bit like a vampire because his other two teeth are little and quiet pointy. I told him I was going to call him "vampire man" and he told me I couldn't do that. I need to call him toothless!

1 comment:

sojourner said...

Looking good, Mr. Toothless....cannot wait to see you in person!