Thursday, August 20, 2009


There are many reasons that I love my kids being in swimming lessons, but there is one thing in particular that hit me today that I love...showers at the pool. While they might not seem just quite as clean as they would be if they had showered at home, they are clean in the middle of the day. It is one less bedtime routine item that has to be done every night. There is a little less water used at home to show up on the water bill. Finally, I am not as tired doing it in the middle of the day as I am at bedtime. is a thumbs up to swimming lessons and family changing rooms equipped with a toilet, shower, and bench to keep things dry until just the right time! :)

(PS - this is a blog entry done by a mother who has been flying solo for what seems like forever, but really only 8 days! between the lines)

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