Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flowers from Kyle...

One of my earliest memories of Kyle is the way he always bought me flowers. When I returned home from my semester abroad in Italy my junior year in college, I had moved from the Theta house to an apartment with some friends. We were not dating yet, and he was unaware of the move. The Theta house called me to let me know that some flowers were there and to come and pick them up. They were some beautiful purple roses in a cute little vase. I was a bit curious why he had sent them, since we were not dating, but the card said something like he just wanted to welcome me back. Flash forward 12 years...I have successfully (I am ashamed to say) changed Kyle's habit of buying me flowers. It was sweet and wonderful when we were dating, but then we got married and the money became something we shared and had to watch a bit more. He continued to buy me flowers, but I would always throw a comment in there about how we could have spent the money on something else. Now, he still likes to buy me flowers but it is not as frequent which is my fault and not his because he still loves to buy flowers for me. He bought me these Mother's Day flowers on Sunday, and they are wonderful and I love them. I am grateful that I have not killed the spirit of his flower buying altogether. Some change is not always for the better!


sojourner said...

What a yard! I am soooo jealous of your color and magnificent blossoms! And, the flowers from Kyle are lovely as well...I remember the roses he sent to the house after he arrived at Kanakuk the June you had begun dating. They were glorious, and that florist did the wedding!

Anonymous said...

When Dale and I were first married, he used to buy me flowers nearly every week. Now, it's a rarity! It's not his fault, but kids and tight budgets determine how we spend money. Flowers aren't practical. You're right, there's something sad about that. Ahh, the dating days were the best!

pops said...

You rhodo's are something else!! Too bad we can't grow them in Colorado but we do have Columbines here which are now blooming. Smaller scale but still nice to look at. Take care and see you soon.