Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The life of a mother...

The post that follows this one was interrupted suddenly because the kids were in the "gunroom" with me while I worked on the computer. They had been playing nicely for quite a while. Lunch was cooking, and we were just waiting. We have a corner cupboard in one of the corners of the "gunroom." There is a cabinet in the bottom of it. They love to put toys in there and very creatively think of random things it could be. All of a sudden, there was a loud crash and some screams. Whatever they were doing pulled the corner cupboard over. They are all scraps or cuts. But everything on the shelves came crashing and breaking to the ground. There were a bunch of fames, which all made it. But up on top, there were some vases and a glass oil candle...they broke. I am sad about what broke, but it can all be replaced. I am sad that candle oil went all over the floor, but at least in the "gunroom" there is not any carpet. I had to put the other post on hold and do a quick clean up, then get lunch on the table. But since I too am selfish, I still wanted to finish the post So while they ate, I finished the typing. All in a day's work!

1 comment:

sojourner said...

My, that must have scared you! I am thankful no one was hurt...nail the cupboard to the corner!